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Scope poll finds that disabled people are concerned about assisted suicide, so is Dignity in Dying

A poll commissioned by Scope, a national charity that supports disabled people and their families, shows that a majority of disabled people have concerns about a change in the law on assisted suicide. The Telegraph reported on this poll in an article entitled ‘Allowing assisted suicide would ‘pressurise’ disabled to kill themselves’.

Sarah Wootton, Chief Executive of Dignity in Dying said:

“As is often the case when debating the merits of increasing patient choice at the end of life, the Telegraph article conflates the issue of legalising assisted dying for terminally ill, mentally competent adults with legally permitting assisted suicide for non-terminally ill people.

“Rather than asking the 500 disabled people polled whether they agreed with the choice of assisted dying for terminally ill people, the poll asked ‘How concerned or otherwise would you be about a change in the law to legalise assisted suicide?’ If asked this same question I would say ‘very’.

“Dignity in Dying and our Patrons are advocating assisted dying for terminally ill, mentally competent adults only – not assisted suicide. The debate about how best to end unnecessary suffering at the end-of-life is an important one on which everybody’s voice should be heard, and we welcome Scope’s significant and continued contribution – but we must ensure that we are debating the same thing.”


Notes to editor:

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