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Mr Lamb’s case raises important questions for society and it’s positive that these issues are being debated

Today Mr Paul Lamb has waived his right to anonymity ahead of his high court challenge asking for a doctor to help him to end his life. Mr Lamb, who had previously been known as ‘L’, was given permission to join the Nicklinson Appeal last month and the hearing is expected to be heard in May.

Commenting on Mr Lamb’s legal case, Sarah Wootton, Chief Executive of Dignity in dying said:

“Dignity in Dying is calling for a change in the law to allow dying adults the choice of an assisted death, within safeguards. Mr Lamb is not terminally ill, and so, while we have huge sympathy with Mr Lamb and his situation, his case falls outside of our remit.

“Dignity in Dying believes that terminally ill, mentally competent people should have the choice of an assisted death, and is confident that this can be safeguarded – that’s where we draw the line, other people will disagree, and that’s a question for society.

“Nevertheless, we do believe that Mr Lamb’s case raises important questions for society and it’s positive that these issues are being debated. We look forward to seeing how the case and the debate progresses in the coming months.”


Notes to editor:

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