Holby City assisted dying storyline (16th October 2006)
16th October 2006
Holby City assisted dying storyline
BBC1 medical drama Holby City this week features an assisted dying storyline.
In tomorrow’s episode Gina, a surgeon’s wife who suffers from MND, makes the journey to Switzerland for an assisted death. This link to the Holby City website provide more information about the storyline: http://www.bbc.co.uk/drama/holbycity/index.shtml.
There are many real-life stories just like that of Gina. At least 54 British people have made the difficult journey to Switzerland for an assisted death. You can read about people’s experiences here. These stories demonstrate why the law on assisted dying must change.
Dignity in Dying campaigns for a change in the law so that terminally ill people who are mentally competent could legally ask a doctor for help to die here in the UK.
The current law has terrible consequences for people like Gina and Elliot. Find out more about the problems with the law here.
You can find out more about your rights at the end of life here.
If you are affected by these issues contact Dignity in Dying for confidential advice and support on 0870 777 7868 or email info@dignityindying.org.uk.