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Dignity in Dying welcomes renewed public debate on assisted dying in Scotland

Independent MSP Margo MacDonald today announced the launch of a consultation on a new Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill, which allows for people with a terminal illness or condition to legally seek assistance to end their life.

Sarah Wootton, Chief Executive of Dignity in Dying, said:

“We look forward to seeing how Margo MacDonald’s ideas have developed in this new proposal. This consultation provides further opportunity for much-needed debate on greater choice and control at the end of life in Scotland.

“There will be much to consider in the coming months. Dignity in Dying for example, only supports a change in the law for terminally ill, mentally competent adults to have the choice of assisted dying. However, in the knowledge that the status quo is untenable, it is this process of consultation and open discussion which will lead to the most safeguarded Bill possible.”


Notes to editor:

About the consultation:

Copies of the consultation will be available at the launch. For further information, please contact Ms MacDonald’s office on 0131 348 5714/24.

About Dignity in Dying:

Media Contacts:

For media enquiries please contact James Harris on 020 7479 7739 / 07725433025 or at