Dignity in Dying welcome the Swiss Government’s decision to add safeguards to existing assisted suicide practice
The Swiss Federal Council has announced that in line with the findings of their recent consultation on assisted suicide, greater safeguards will be put in place to protect both employees of assisted suicide organisations, and those who are accessing their services by strengthening suicide prevention as well as palliative care.
Sarah Wootton, Chief Executive of Dignity in Dying said:
“The consultation and its outcomes are to be welcomed. Ultimately the practice of assisted dying and assisted suicide in Switzerland is a matter for the Swiss Government, but while assisted dying remains illegal in the UK and our citizens are forced to travel to Switzerland to make use of their assisted dying laws, we must take an interest.
“Terminally ill adults should not have to suffer against their wishes at the end of their lives. Ultimately, we need a safeguarded assisted dying law in the UK, for the people of the UK, but until we secure that change we welcome attempts by the Swiss Government to add greater safeguards to their practice, and protect those working to allow people to have the choice of an assisted death, as well as those who need better care at the end of their lives or in times of distress.”
Notes to editor:
About Dignity in Dying:
– Dignity in Dying campaigns for greater choice, control and access to services at the end of life. It advocates providing terminally ill adults with the option of an assisted death, within strict legal safeguards, and for universal access to high quality end-of-life care.
– Dignity in Dying has over 25,000 supporters and receives its funding entirely from donations from the public.
– The British Social Attitudes Survey 2010 found that 92% of non-religious and 71% of religious people support assisted dying. This relates to overall support of 82%.
About the consultation:
For an official statement from the Swiss government go to: http://www.ejpd.admin.ch/content/ejpd/en/home/dokumentation/mi/2010/2010-09-17.html
Media Contacts:
For all media enquiries, please contact Jo Cartwright on 020 7479 7737 / 07725433025 or at jo.cartwright@dignityindying.org.uk.