Dignity in Dying response to the BMA vote on assisted dying (29 June 2006)
29 June 2006
Dignity in Dying responds to the BMA vote on assisted dying
Reacting to the BMA vote on assisted dying today, Deborah Annetts, Chief Executive of Dignity in Dying, said:
“Today’s vote in Belfast came amidst extensive lobbying by very active and organised religious lobby groups. A survey yesterday showed most doctors want neutrality, and resent a religious minority dictating policy across their profession. Millions of people in the UK will be deeply disappointed at what the religious lobby groups have done. The BMA must now engage on a doctrinaire basis in this debate instead of a neutral and professional one.”
200 doctors wrote to today’s Guardian favouring neutrality as the only policy allowing and effective dialogue between doctors and patients. 40 patients wrote to today’s Times begging the BMA to respect their views in favour of choice.
Dignity in Dying advocates patient choice at the end of life.
Read the doctors’ letter to the Guardian here.
Read the patients’ letter to the Times here.