Our statement on ‘How to Die: Simon’s Choice’
In response to the documentary Sarah Wootton, Chief Executive of Dignity in Dying said:
“No one can fail to be moved by Simon’s Choice. It showed that Simon and his wife both loved each other and loved life very much but, following his diagnosis with his terminal condition that would eventually rob him of his life, he sought to choose the manner of his death.”
“Whether someone dies of their illness or has an assisted death their friends and family will inevitably grieve and question how things could have been different. Nobody can take away that heartbreak and grief but it is within our power to give dying people and their loved ones some comfort in knowing they have some choice and control over their own death.”
“Simon’s decision to die was clearly difficult for him and his loved ones and our thoughts go out to his family. In the end the incredibly difficult decision can and should only lie with the dying person if they are mentally competent to make it. Only they can say how they want to die or what suffering they can and should bear.”
“What Simon’s Choice also demonstrates is that, in Parliament rejecting a safe legal option here in the UK, dying people will continue to take such measures in order to have control at the end of life.”
For media enquiries contact Sam Dick on 07725 433 025 or sam.dick@dignityindying.org.uk.