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Debbie Purdy comments on her forthcoming House of Lords appeal hearing

Debbie Purdy’s House of Lords Appeal to begin tomorrow

Debbie Purdy’s House of Lords appeal will be heard in the House of Lords tomorrow and Wednesday (2nd and 3rd June).

Debbie Purdy, who suffers from Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis, would like the option of an assisted death should her suffering become unbearable. She wants to clarify the current law, which could leave her husband open to imprisonment if he helps her travel to a foreign country for assistance to die where it is lawful.

The previous Court of Appeal judgment said that although a prosecution is unlikely, they would not rule for a prosecuting policy to fully clarify the law. Debbie is challenging this judgment in the House of Lords appeal. Debbie says:

“This is an opportunity for the highest court in the land to listen to what the public want and clarify a law that has existed, without being updated, for far too long. I am optimistic that the House of Lords is listening and will give me the clarity I need”.


Note to Editors:

Debbie will be available for interview on Tuesday 2 June between 9.15 and 9.45 on College Green, Westminster (opposite Sovereign’s Entrance, House of Lords).

For more information, interviews with Debbie Purdy or Dignity in Dying Chief Executive Sarah Wootton, please contact Jo Cartwright, Campaigns and Press Officer on 020 7479 7739/07725433025.

Further information:

The Appeal against the decision of the Appeal Court will take place on Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd June 2009 at the House of Lords, London.

The current law:

Debbie Purdy:

Dignity in Dying:
