75% of Scots want the right to choose when they die
75% of Scots want the right to choose when they die
A new poll by Scottish Opinion shows that the overwhelming majority of Scottish people believe that they should have the right to choose when they die.
The poll, which was conducted on behalf of STV, surveyed 841 Scottish adults across all national parliamentary constituencies for their opinions on a variety of questions relating to assisted dying. 75% of respondents answered “yes” when asked whether they should have the right to choose when they die.
Sarah Wootton, Chief Executive of Dignity in Dying says:
“This high level of support is consistent with previous polls; once again demonstrating the vast public support for a change in the law to allow mentally competent, terminally ill adults to have the choice of an assisted death at the end of their lives, if their suffering becomes unbearable.”
Further results from the poll reveal that 78% of respondents said that family members who assist a loved one to die should not be prosecuted.