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Only 1 in 3 doctors wouldn’t want the option of assisted dying to be available to them at the end of their lives*

“Given that the public want change, a significant minority of medical professionals want the choice for themselves, and an independent panel of experts have found that safe change is possible and could better protect society – now is the time for Parliament to act and address this outdated law.”

An online study of 1,001 GPs commissioned by Dignity in Dying, has found that, contrary to widely help opinion, only a third of GPs (34%) would not want the option of assisted dying to be available to them if they were terminally ill and suffering at the end of their lives. Another third of GPs would want the choice of an assisted death in those circumstances, and the final third were unsure or preferred not to answer.

The majority of those who answered** felt that assisted dying should be available to terminally ill patients within six months of the end of their lives.

Sarah Wootton, Chief Executive of Dignity in Dying said:

“This research provides a greater insight into the views of doctors, and shows that far from there being majority opposition to a change in the law from GPs, the same numbers of doctors want the choice to be available as don’t.

“The Commission on Assisted Dying last week found that not only was a safe assisted dying law possible, but it would actually be preferable to the current situation that is ‘incoherent, inadequate and should not continue’.

“The law must change, and given that the public want change, a significant minority of medical professionals want the choice for themselves, and an independent panel of experts have found that safe change is possible and could better protect society – now is the time for Parliament toact and address this outdated law.”


Notes to editor:

About the Study

The study was conducted by

For a copy of the study please email Jo Cartwright

*One third would want the option, and the other third either weren’t sure (25%) or preferred not to answer (8%)

**48% felt assisted dying should be available to a terminally ill person within the last 6 months of the end of their life. 45% preferred not to answer.

About Dignity in Dying:

Media Contacts:

For all Dignity in Dying media enquiries please contact Jo Cartwrighton 020 7479 7737 / 07725433025 or at